Holiday gifts to get the most out of your live Virtual Classes at the Studio!!


It’s been ages since you’ve been into the actual Pilates studio to get your fix of working against the springs and had the careful hands on adjustment of an instructor and all you want for the Holidays is one or both of those things but Covid-19 says, “not in 2020, my friend”.

The custom sized Align Theraband is a specific length for us to recreate the feeling of the apparatus at home and to help you work on targeted areas to improve your at home Mat practice. These bands are available for FREE to members upon request. Members - be on the lookout for Theraband-specific classes coming in January 2021.

Something else we’ve found useful to enhance your online Mat practice are small body balls. We use these small spiny balls to open the shoulders, hips and back throughout the Mat work. You can find an inexpensive option at Target and they can only be ordered online. Members – be on the lookout for small ball specific classes in January 2021.

Having a Magic Circle can be a game changer for adding that resistance you’ve been missing back into your body. Our recommendation is the Ultra-Fit Circle from Balanced Body.

Another favorite of ours from Balanced Body is the Arc. If you have every worked on the Spine Corrector in the studio, The Arc by Balanced Body is an economical substitute. In the classical world the barrels are used to open up the hips and the shoulders which is the opposite of sitting. Something we’ve all been doing way more of lately (thanks, pandemic).

If you really want to splurge for the Holidays and are dedicated to your Mat practice, you might want to consider getting a folding mat from Pilates Designs. The folding mats are just like the ones we have at the studio but you are able to fold them away for easy storage. This is totally a treat yourself option as it can take 6 weeks or more for delivery but you get to choose from over 200 color options.

You don’t need any of these options to do Pilates, but they will certainly add some spice to your already strong and consistent practice. Remember – Mr. Pilates wanted his work to be accessible to all and that’s why he created the Matwork so all you need is your body and a mat/towel/floor to get the best work out of your life!